A new day, many new experiences. Today we got into Acuna and decided that we needed to pass out flyers and invite more children to our Vacation Bible School. I was lucky enough to get to go visit one of the public schools and once again God showed me just how blessed I am. We went inside the school yard to visit with the principal and ask if we could pass out flyers to the children as they were dismissed from school. I looked around and realized that the classrooms were all open-air buildings with no air conditioning, and no glass on the windows - they were just cinder-block buildings with bars where the windows would have been. There aren't enough schools for all of the children, so the younger ones go from 8am-12:45 and the older ones from 1:15pm to 6pm. I was so impressed at how well behaved the children were, despite all of the distractions.
After we finished the early VBS session, we boarded a bus and rode over to another area of
town, where another part of our group was building a house for an extremely needy woman. As we pulled up to the job site, I couldn't help but gasp as I saw the house that the woman had been living in. It was literally made from a wooden frame and cardboard boxes for walls. This woman was a faithful Christian who has been very active in one of the churches in the area. When the new house started going up, many of the neighbors came by to ask the woman how she got these men to build her a new house. Her answer: I have been praying to God for a new house and these men are the answer to my prayer. What a testimony to her neighbors about how God answers our prayers!!
After we finished the early VBS session, we boarded a bus and rode over to another area of

We then got ba
ck on the bus and took a 45 minute ride over to Rancho Cascado - a local swimming hole. I was not prepared for how beautiful this place was! There were huge rocks and waterfalls surrounded by beautiful trees. I'm usually terrified of water that is not chlorinated - I won't swim in beach or lake water - but I could not pass this opportunity up. It was just so beautiful!! I not only got in the water (and stayed in the water), but I got up the courage to jump off of the waterfalls, which were about 10-12 feet high. I was so surprised and proud of myself that I asked my friend Elaine to take pictures. This was definitely something I will never, ever forget!
At 3:30, we loaded back onto the buses and drove back to our host home. When we got there, there were 34 children waiting for us. Jose was already playing games with them and then had them sit down for a puppet show and then a bible story. His message was in Spanish and I only understood a little bit of it, but what I understood was beautiful. He was teaching about salvation in words they could understand and telling them that the Holy Spirit could help them to resist sin and to talk to their parents about Jesus. We then stood up and separated into two groups of girls and boys and then had prayer for each other. I was moved to tears and once again so thankful to be a part of all of this.
I am so amazed at how God is using this trip to touch my life and change my heart. I knew that this would definitely be a learning experience, but was not prepared for the work that would be done in my own life.
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